Tag Archives: Ticket prices

Is FSG’s ticket U-turn as good as it first sounded?

Liverpool’s owners responded to protests and outrage at their plans to introduce a £77 ticket by announcing a climb down – but, asks Jim Boardman, is their announcement as big a victory as it first seemed? When news broke last night that Fenway Sports Group had announced they had dropped the £77 ticket idea and would be freezing prices everyone […]

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FSG make full u-turn on LFC ticket prices – and issue an apology

Boston-based Fenway Sports Group, owners of Liverpool Football Club, openly apologise to fans and admit they got it very badly wrong on ticket prices, not only reverting the changes announced last week but also announcing a series of further positive changes to their ticket pricing policies. A victory for common sense and the ‘normal’ fan.   Liverpool owners Fenway Sports […]

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